Back in 2010, Robert Lanza and Bob Berman shocked the world introducing a new and radical theory about the nature of the universe and reality with their book, Biocentrism: How Life and Consciousness are the Keys to Understanding the True Nature of the Universe. That, however, was just the beginning.
In 2016, Robert Lanza and Bob Berman wrote another book titled, Beyond Biocentrism set to be released in May of 2016. In this book, Lanza and Berman take the reader on yet another intellectual thrill-ride as they re-examine everything we believed we knew about life, death, the universe, and the nature of reality itself.
The book starts off by acknowledging that our current model of reality isn’t standing strong against recent scientific discoveries. Science has found that over 95% of the universe is made up of dark matter and dark energy. However, scientists are still unsure of what exactly dark matter is and know even less about dark energy. While science is increasingly pointing towards an infinite universe, it has no ability explain what that really means.
Science is based on the information that passes through our consciousness. The problem is, science does not know what consciousness is. Studies have repeatedly shown that there is a clear linkage between subatomic states and observation by conscious observers, but what this linkage is remains unknown. Biologists describe the origin of life as a random occurrence in a dead universe, but again, there is no real understanding of how life began or why the universe appears to be so exquisitely designed for the emergence of life.
In the book, Beyond Biocentrism Robert Lanza and Bob Berman set out to begin looking for answers to these puzzling questions. They offer a full rethinking of everything we thought we known about life, death, and our place in the universe.
Beyond Biocentrism is currently available for order on Amazon today.